
10: A Guide for Building a Sustainable and Resilient Collaboration


10: A Guide for Building a Sustainable and Resilient Collaboration unpacks the concepts of sustainability and resilience and shares ideas, stories and resources that will benefit collaborations as they consider them.

Sustainability involves many factors, including leadership, funding, community engagement, and the ability to influence policy and systems that lead to program or a collective impact. These factors fall under four main categories: people (who to involve), resources (the investment required), process (the why of the collaboration), and impact (the effect/influence and telling the story).

Resilience is about building a collaboration’s capacity to shift, adapt, and change, and is also focused on the overall health and well-being of the collaboration and the community.

Liz Weaver, Co-CEO; and Mike Des Jardins, Manager, Sustainability and Development, Communities Building Youth Futures (Tamarack Institute)
Tamarack Institute
Date Published
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Resource Topic