
The Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density: A Toolkit for State and Local Surveillance


The Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density: A Toolkit for State and Local Surveillance (hereafter called Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density Toolkit) provides steps for using these alcohol outlet density indicators for surveillance in states and local jurisdictions. It is a companion to CDC’s Guide for Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density, 3 published in 2017. This guide covers key concepts, high-level steps, and underlying measurement theory. The Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density Toolkit provides code, screenshots, and guiding questions to help you accomplish the six steps outlined in the Guide for Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density. It also adds a seventh step on visualization, reporting, and communication.

This toolkit is specifically designed for teams looking for practical instructions on how to measure alcohol outlet density for surveillance. Teams may include people with a range of expertise, including public health researchers, geographers, policy makers, or law enforcement personnel.

Mike Dolan Fliss (PhD, MPS, MSW), Jessica B. Mesnick (MPH), Marissa B. Esser (PhD, MPH)
U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Date Published
Resource Type
Resource Topic
Data Collection and Epidemiology