
Prevention Science and Health Equity: A Comprehensive Framework for Preventing Health Inequities and Disparities Associated with Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class


This resource provides a comprehensive examination of the social determinants of health and health disparities in the United States, emphasizing the critical role of prevention science in addressing these complex issues. It outlines key factors contributing to disparities, including harmful marketing practices, disadvantaged schools and communities, inadequate access to healthcare, and the impact of public policy. The text advocates for a holistic approach to prevention science, highlighting the need for research on risk factors, experimental evaluations of prevention programs and policies, and community-driven interventions. By addressing the root causes of health disparities and promoting health equity, this resource offers valuable insights for policymakers, public health professionals, and researchers striving to improve population health outcomes.

Anthony Biglan, Ronald J. Prinz, Diana Fishbein
Values to Action
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Cultural Responsiveness