
Resource Library

Search our resource library to access a wealth of information to support your substance misuse prevention efforts. Use the drop down menus to search by resource type and/or prevention topic, or type a keyword into the search bar. New resources added regularly!

Resource Title Description Resource Type
Ethics in Substance Misuse Prevention

As substance misuse prevention professionals, we regularly face situations that require us to make ethical decisions. Often it is clear how to act ethically; sometimes it is not. It is essential that preventionists understand our code of ethics and how to use the ethical decision making model. This site provides a brief on prevention ethics as well as two self-paced online courses.

Evaluating Community Programs and Initiatives

Information on developing a plan for evaluation, evaluation methods, and using evaluation to understand and improve the initiative.

Evaluating the Initiative

This toolkit aids in developing an evaluation of a community program or initiative.

Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center

The Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center provides communities, clinicians, policy-makers and others with the information and tools to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings.

Examples of Community-level Logic Models for Reducing the Non-medical Use of Opioid Prescription Drugs

This tool describes three examples of logic models—two present a community-level response to reducing the non-medical use of opioid prescription drugs (NMUOPD) and a third presents a state-level response. Each example contains a statement describing the problem (NMUOPD); the goals and objectives for addressing the problem; inputs—what resources and activities comprise the response; partners needed to effectively implement the approach; outputs—the result of these resources and activities; and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes.

Examples of Local-level Logic Models for Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities

This resource contains three examples of logic models that prevention practitioners can use to think through their process for addressing behavioral health disparities at the community level. Each example addresses a different type of disparity, and includes the community’s related substance use problem; factors that contribute to the problem; activities to address the problem; and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes.

Excellence in Prevention Strategy List

Welcome to the Excellence in Prevention Strategies List. This page provides detailed information about direct service and environmental prevention strategies. Programs and strategies in this list must be shown in at least two studies to produce intended results. All programs listed include substance abuse prevention as an area of interest.

The strategies described in this list come from three primary resources:

  1. National Registry for Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
  2. The State of Oregon’s list of evidence-based programs
  3. The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation’s “Scientific Evidence for Developing a Logic Model on Underage Drinking: A Reference Guide for Community Environmental Prevention.”


Excellence in Prevention Strategy List

This page provides detailed information about direct service and environmental prevention strategies. Programs and strategies in this list must be shown in at least two studies to produce intended results. All programs listed include substance abuse prevention as an area of interest.

Explaining the Social Determinants of Health

Public health experts use the term “social determinants of health” to refer to the idea that nonmedical factors such as geography, income, and education have a significant effect on health.

While this is an important idea to get across to the public, there are good reasons to rethink the impulse to use the SDOH label. Communications researchers have found that this term doesn’t make sense to the average person. What’s more, the phrase can even leave mistaken impressions that the “social determinants of health” has something to do with socialism or a belief that people lack free will.

Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Exploring the Links Between Social Exclusion and Substance Use, Misuse, and Addiction

This resource explores the intersection between social exclusion, trauma, and substance misuse. It suggests that chronic social exclusion can be akin to trauma, potentially leading to substance misuse as a coping mechanism. While substances may initially alleviate the pain of exclusion, long-term use can exacerbate the problem. Therapists adopting a trauma-informed approach should consider the role of social exclusion in clients' substance misuse issues and incorporate strategies to address it effectively.

Facilitation and Group Management 101

This 4-hr training will encourage participants to explore the critical elements of a successful training and workshop. Participants will explore tools and tips for positive behavior management, including guidance on crafting an engaging workshop agenda.

Family, Parent and Caregiver Peer Support in Behavioral Health

This resource describes the ways in which parent support providers can offer hope, guidance, advocacy, and camaraderie to parents and caregivers of children and youth receiving services from mental health, substance use, and related service systems.

Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Focus on Cannabis Prevention

It is important for the prevention community to know and understand the risks related to cannabis, especially in a time of changing laws, rules, and regulations in the region. The New England PTTC has created this page to bring together the latest health advisories from the CDC, CADCA, and other federal partners, as well as the health departments and organizations of the six New England States. You can also find some helpful informational resources and cannabis prevention toolkits from the New England states.

Fostering School Success: How Caregivers and Social Workers Can Support Children's Education

CWLA is pleased to invite you to join us for this engaging skill-building opportunity that will share how to improve school experiences and long-term outcomes for children who have experienced trauma. Participants in this training will:


  • Develop an understanding of common barriers to educational access and engagement for youth who have experienced trauma.
  • Learn practical strategies for cultivating resilience at home that will lead to improved school performance.
  • Advance their knowledge of the education system and supports available to children with special needs and circumstances.
  • Expand their collaboration and advocacy toolkits to ensure children and youth have access to high quality schooling.

This training is appropriate for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers, and social workers who have an interest and responsibility to better support children and youth in school as well as their educational achievement.

Framing Tobacco Disparities: A Collection of Free Messaging Guides for Tobacco Prevention Staff and Partners

This new series of equity-centered messaging guides highlight how communications around health equity issues must be strategically and thoughtfully created as certain disparity-focused messaging can bring greater harm to the communities most burdened by commercial tobacco use. The resources in this collection will help people to frame their messages within a justice and social context.
